
I finished reading 「ONE-WAY-TICKET」

I finished reading 「ONE-WAY-TICKET」.
Last story is impossible story for me............... because this story is appears ghost.
I do not believe the ghost...... how about you??

「ONE-WAY-TICKET」 is legible book!!

I finding next book now.

vodka=ウォッカ Come and have a vodka with me.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Thanks. Was "vodka" the only word that was new to you? If so, I think you need to read something harder.

  2. I'm sorry Mr.Masden.
    But last story I can understand all sentence.
    I can't found defficult word.

  3. Please ask questions about parts that you don't understand. If there are many parts that you don't understand, you should probably find something that's easier to read.
